Ferry Cross The Mersey by Gerry & The Pacemakers - Guitar Chords

Artist Gerry & The Pacemakers How to play the guitar chord D.jpg How to play the guitar chord Am.jpg How to play the guitar chord Fsharpm.jpg How to play the guitar chord Em.jpg How to play the guitar chord A.jpg How to play the guitar chord E7.jpg How to play the guitar chord C.jpg How to play the guitar chord Gm.jpg How to play the guitar chord Dm.jpg How to play the guitar chord G.jpg How to play the guitar chord D7.jpg How to play the guitar chord E.jpg How to play the guitar chord Bm.jpg How to play the guitar chord Gsharpm.jpg How to play the guitar chord B.jpg How to play the guitar chord Fsharp7.jpg How to play the guitar chord F.jpg How to play the guitar chord Cm.jpg How to play the guitar chord G7.jpg How to play the guitar chord A7.jpg

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I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
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Ferry Across The Mersey - Gerry And The Pacemakers.

Gerry plays this in the key of  “ E ”

[Verse 1]
D     Am     D       Am        D    Am  D  Am
Life         goes on day after day.
D        Am    D         Am     D     Am  D  Am
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   D               F#m
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Em                  A
cause this land's the place I love,
              D      Am  D  Am 
And here I'll stay.

[Verse 2]
D     Am     D            Am        D        Am  D  Am
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
D      Am     D          Am         D     Am  D  Am
Each         with their own secret care.
   D                F#m
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Em              A                 D
and always take me there, the place I love.

Em      A           D
People around every corner.
Em           A         D
They seem to smile and say..
Em        A               F#m
'We don't care what your name is boy,
E7                    A
we'll never turn you away.'

[Verse 3]

D      Am    D       Am       D   Am D Am
So           I'll continue to say,
D      Am      D   Am            D      Am  D  Am
Here           I   always will stay.
   D                F#m
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Em                  A
cause this land's the place I love
              D     Am    D   Am         D       Am  D 
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Am        D
here I'll stay.


[Verse 1]
C     Gm     C       Gm        C    Gm  C  Gm
Life         goes on day after day.
C        Gm    C         Gm     C     Gm  C  Gm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   C               Em
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Dm                  G
cause this land's the place I love,
              C     Gm C Gm
and here I'll stay.

[Verse 2]

C     Gm     C            Gm        C        Gm  C  Gm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
C      Gm     C          Gm         C     Gm  C  Gm
Each         with their own secret care.
   C                Em
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Dm              G                 C
and always take me there, the place I love.

Dm      G           C
People around every corner.
Dm           G         C
They seem to smile and say..
Dm        G               Em
'We don't care what your name is boy,
D7                    G
we'll never turn you away.'

[Verse 3]

C      Gm    C       Gm       C   Gm C Gm
So           I'll continue to say,
C      Gm      C   Gm            C      Gm  C  Gm
Here           I   always will stay.
   C                Em
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Dm                  G
cause this land's the place I love
              C     Gm    C   Gm         C       Gm  C
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Gm        C
here I'll stay.


[Verse 1]
E     Bm     E       Bm        E    Bm  E  Bm
Life         goes on day after day.
E        Bm    E         Bm     E     Bm  E  Bm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   E               G#m
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           F#m                 B
cause this land's the place I love,
              E     Bm E Bm
and here I'll stay.

[Verse 2]

E     Bm     E            Bm        E        Bm  E  Bm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
E      Bm     E          Bm         E     Bm  E  Bm
Each         with their own secret care.
   E                G#m
So ferry across the Mersey,
    F#m             B                 E
and always take me there, the place I love.

F#m     B           E
People around every corner.
F#m          B         E
They seem to smile and say..
F#m       B               G#m
'We don't care what your name is boy,
F#7                   B
we'll never turn you away.'

[Verse 3]

E      Bm    E       Bm       E   Bm E Bm
So           I'll continue to say,
E      Bm      E   Bm            E      Bm  E  Bm
Here           I   always will stay.
   E                G#m
So ferry across the Mersey.
           F#m                 B
cause this land's the place I love
              E     Bm    E   Bm         E       Bm  E
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Bm        E
here I'll stay.


[Verse 1]
F     Cm     F       Cm        F    Cm  F  Cm
Life         goes on day after day.
F        Cm    F         Cm     F     Cm  F  Cm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   F               Am
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Gm                  C
cause this land's the place I love,
              F     Cm F Cm
and here I'll stay.

[Verse 2]

F     Cm     F            Cm        F        Cm  F  Cm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
F      Cm     F          Cm         F     Cm  F  Cm
Each         with their own secret care.
   F                Am
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Gm              C                 F
and always take me there, the place I love.

Gm      C           F
People around every corner.
Gm           C         F
They seem to smile and say..
Gm        C               Am
'We don't care what your name is boy,
G7                    C
we'll never turn you away.'

[Verse 3]

F      Cm    F       Cm       F   Cm F Cm
So           I'll continue to say,
F      Cm      F   Cm            F      Cm  F  Cm
Here           I   always will stay.
   F                Am
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Gm                  C
cause this land's the place I love
              F     Cm    F   Cm         F       Cm  F
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Cm        F
here I'll stay.


[Verse 1]
G     Dm     G       Dm        G    Dm  G  Dm
Life         goes on day after day.
G        Dm    G         Dm     G     Dm  G  Dm
Hearts         torn in  every  way.
   G               Bm
So ferry cross the Mersey,
           Am                  D
cause this land's the place I love,
              G     Dm G Dm
and here I'll stay.

[Verse 2]

G     Dm     G            Dm        G        Dm  G  Dm
Peo   --    ple     they rush everywhere.
G      Dm     G          Dm         G     Dm  G  Dm
Each         with their own secret care.
   G                Bm
So ferry across the Mersey,
    Am              D                 G
and always take me there, the place I love.

Am      D           G
People around every corner.
Am           D         G
They seem to smile and say..
Am        D               Bm
'We don't care what your name is boy,
A7                    D
we'll never turn you away.'

[Verse 3]

G      Dm    G       Dm       G   Dm G Dm
So           I'll continue to say,
G      Dm      G   Dm            G      Dm  G  Dm
Here           I   always will stay.
   G                Bm
So ferry across the Mersey.
           Am                  D
cause this land's the place I love
              G     Dm    G   Dm         G       Dm  G
And here I'll stay       and  here I'll  stay
Dm        G
here I'll stay.


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